Saturday, October 6, 2018

Texas Deserves Better

In the article, Save Us Texas written by Michelle Goldberg, she sheds light on Senator Ted Cruz’s Opponent Beto O’Rourke . The author of this opiniated post has a solid base of credibility, as far as her profession as a writer goes. She is an author, she has won the Politzer Prize and has experience in commentating. Contrary to her professional experience, she does not have much experience in Politics, which does not help her credibility when writing a piece that is all politics. Michelle shows her bias from the beginning, but she does it elegantly, focusing on the facts of Beto, rather than focusing on Cruz’s faults. This piece is written in a sense that gives you hope, it gives me the motive to want to learn more on the running senator. The evidence in the piece is solid and backs up her statements of the possible turning point and how O’Rourke listens to the people, he cares, and he states his values without sugar coating. While focusing on his rally, she makes it a point to mention that the rally not only brought in many people, but young in specific, mentioning more than once in her piece how significant this turning point would be in Texas Politics. I do believe the Title is misleading— “Save us Texas”, when I read that my inference would be this would be about problems in Texas and how we need help, she didn’t state any problems in her piece, although it was still a well rounded solid, emotional piece. You can’t judge a book by its cover.

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