Tuesday, November 6, 2018

vote vote vote

My vote won't matter…” While election day is around the corner there is many people that believe their vote will not matter. Looking at the big scheme of things, essentially it won't seem like a big impact, but your vote is much more than just a tally. "One small step is one giant step for mankind" coming together and encouraging people to not just vote but educate themselves before making the vote, will matter not just here in the present but in the future as well. We are upon a huge race that could determine if Texas will go republican for the first time in many of our lifetimes, even bigger than that determine if our vote will turn the House of Representatives to democratic, leading to a possible impeachment of our president. Many young people have made a point to register and get out and vote, which has surprised many political scientists and set records, i.e. Williamson County set a record on the amount of registered voters this election. This election could be the biggest aid to the possible realignment of our Nation and State. From a young persons stand point I do not believe the turnout of voters and the support some of the running senators have would reach numbers like that if it was not for social media. For months many have shared their political views on Facebook, Twitter, and many other social media sites, even famous people have spoke out about how much voting matters. Our Nation is needs much work, and this election could be the start to help... Voting matters.


Anonymous said...

I agree about why voting matters. It is our duty as citizens of this great nation to go out and vote, but at the same time we should be educated to vote. However, Texas has been known to be Republican for a long time so to say that "We are upon a huge race that could determine if Texas will go republican for the first time in many of our lifetimes, even bigger than that determine if our vote will turn the House of Representatives to democratic" is contradictory. If you're talking about the Beto vs. Cruz race, then you should just say so, but saying "a huge race" is just too vague due to the fact there were many races going on and many Democratic candidates in Texas running for office. To say that "This election could be the biggest aid to the possible realignment of our Nation and State" would mean that as a nation and as a state, there is one major issue we as a country are split upon. However, this is not what we are not going through because there are too many issues that need to be resolved like gun control, border security, and so on. Regardless, I completely agree that without social media that tries to appeal to the young adult crowd, voter turnout would be a lot lower. Voting is one of the first of many steps in the right direction to change this country for the better.

Anonymous said...

Nobody can force a person to vote. It's a volunteering action to make as a citizen to let the government knows what we want to do. Voting matters in different ways, it helps us as Americans to have a voice in our democracy. It is a simple step to make sure the government represents us. If we want to lower taxes, more spend funds or more services, we could go vote to make a difference. We can make a difference by voting!. I used to think voting is a useless thing to do because we as American are very diverse and high in population, so it doesn't matter if we vote or not. I came to realize how important voting is and that every vote count after being informed by professors and classmates. In your(Ciara) recent post “vote vote vote”, both you( Ciara) and I shared a common perspective towards voting. You (Ciara) has made a good point mentioned that “ your vote is much more than just a tally”. It might not be the most important thing, but it’s a starting point to become more involve and inform in politics. As some younger people like us been neglecting the importance of political issues such as Immigration, of gun rights, they believe that voting doesn’t matter. However, we both appreciate how the previous election turns out as many younger people made an effort to go vote. If every person thinks voting doesn’t count, then the voter turnout will decrease greatly. The lower the voter turnout is, the worst our democracy is turning because our government doesn’t know what we want. White, land-owning male will take over as how it used to. An election might be decided by a single vote. Especially, many people don't have the opportunity to go vote.