Sunday, October 21, 2018


In the blog titled Fox News downplays Khashoggi's murder: “Saudi Arabia is one of the safest places to be a journalist in the world” by Timothy Johnson. Johnson discusses the significance of Fox news seeming to belittle and sweep under the rug the murder of the Journalist killed while visiting Saudi Arabia. The author gives information that leads you to his stance, which is dominant. As someone who is not very educated on the murder I would say I would’ve liked to know some background knowledge of the journalist, helping me have more of an emotional connection to the story. On the contrary after reading the blog I have a good understanding of why Fox News would portray the story with such a subtle approach. The sources he chose to provide fulfilled the questions I may have had while reading. Johnson’s blog shows his bias--He does not believe that the story should be swept under the rug, which explains why he chose to include this topic in his blog, to spread awareness of Fox News and their bias with the Republican party. Timothy Johnson’s credibility is substantial. Much of his work has been focused around Right-Wing extremism, making him perfect for such topic. In conclusion, I would rate the blog an 8 out of 10, very nice but at the end of reading it I was wanting more, feeling not fulfilled. If Johnson wasn’t educated on the topic before writing this, he did a well job of doing his research to get the intended message across.  

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