Friday, December 14, 2018

Charles Gillan post

In Charles Gillan post titled Blog Assignment 7, Gillan discusses the legalization of marijuana. In this post it is clear that the intended audience is those in favor of the legalization of marijuana. He starts the article stating that there is much more positives, rather than negatives when taking a look at marijuana itself, but unfortunately does not give examples which I was eager to hear. I did like the example used when discussing how the taxes of marijuana could be a great attribution to the United States. Lastly, Gillan talks about how alcohol and cigarettes have been sold for years and are still legal, whilst marijuana has been proven to bring many health benefits it still remains illegal. I completely agree with this statement, I believe the fact could have been expanded and brought about a conversation of just WHY marijuana is illegal while things such as alcohol and tobacco products still remain on the market. In conclusion, Gillan’s post titled “Blog Assignment 7” was a short, statement that shows his bias, and what he stands for as far as legalization of marijuana goes. Gillan does a well job of sticking with his side and stating his reasonings on why marijuana should be legal. This post could be more appealing to audiences rather than just those in favor if Charles would have took a look and went a little bit more in depth when discussing just why marijuana is illegal. Blog Assignment 7 was a post that had a passionate tone and a strong opinion that I agree with and enjoyed reading.

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