Friday, December 14, 2018

Charles Gillan post

In Charles Gillan post titled Blog Assignment 7, Gillan discusses the legalization of marijuana. In this post it is clear that the intended audience is those in favor of the legalization of marijuana. He starts the article stating that there is much more positives, rather than negatives when taking a look at marijuana itself, but unfortunately does not give examples which I was eager to hear. I did like the example used when discussing how the taxes of marijuana could be a great attribution to the United States. Lastly, Gillan talks about how alcohol and cigarettes have been sold for years and are still legal, whilst marijuana has been proven to bring many health benefits it still remains illegal. I completely agree with this statement, I believe the fact could have been expanded and brought about a conversation of just WHY marijuana is illegal while things such as alcohol and tobacco products still remain on the market. In conclusion, Gillan’s post titled “Blog Assignment 7” was a short, statement that shows his bias, and what he stands for as far as legalization of marijuana goes. Gillan does a well job of sticking with his side and stating his reasonings on why marijuana should be legal. This post could be more appealing to audiences rather than just those in favor if Charles would have took a look and went a little bit more in depth when discussing just why marijuana is illegal. Blog Assignment 7 was a post that had a passionate tone and a strong opinion that I agree with and enjoyed reading.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Fake News

In the blog post titled 'Fake News' Jaimes writes about if our President is creating violence through his fake news. The opinion written was very vague, which is understandable as it is a controversial subject. The post has a conclusion that leaves you thinking and wanting to create your own opinion of this subject, which I really enjoyed. On the contrary if I must criticize, I would say the voice wasn't loud enough. I think there has been much evidence on the fake news trump has presented or the lies Trump has told in office. Overall, the post was well written and had a flow to it that let me able to keep reading it..

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

vote vote vote

My vote won't matter…” While election day is around the corner there is many people that believe their vote will not matter. Looking at the big scheme of things, essentially it won't seem like a big impact, but your vote is much more than just a tally. "One small step is one giant step for mankind" coming together and encouraging people to not just vote but educate themselves before making the vote, will matter not just here in the present but in the future as well. We are upon a huge race that could determine if Texas will go republican for the first time in many of our lifetimes, even bigger than that determine if our vote will turn the House of Representatives to democratic, leading to a possible impeachment of our president. Many young people have made a point to register and get out and vote, which has surprised many political scientists and set records, i.e. Williamson County set a record on the amount of registered voters this election. This election could be the biggest aid to the possible realignment of our Nation and State. From a young persons stand point I do not believe the turnout of voters and the support some of the running senators have would reach numbers like that if it was not for social media. For months many have shared their political views on Facebook, Twitter, and many other social media sites, even famous people have spoke out about how much voting matters. Our Nation is needs much work, and this election could be the start to help... Voting matters.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


In the blog titled Fox News downplays Khashoggi's murder: “Saudi Arabia is one of the safest places to be a journalist in the world” by Timothy Johnson. Johnson discusses the significance of Fox news seeming to belittle and sweep under the rug the murder of the Journalist killed while visiting Saudi Arabia. The author gives information that leads you to his stance, which is dominant. As someone who is not very educated on the murder I would say I would’ve liked to know some background knowledge of the journalist, helping me have more of an emotional connection to the story. On the contrary after reading the blog I have a good understanding of why Fox News would portray the story with such a subtle approach. The sources he chose to provide fulfilled the questions I may have had while reading. Johnson’s blog shows his bias--He does not believe that the story should be swept under the rug, which explains why he chose to include this topic in his blog, to spread awareness of Fox News and their bias with the Republican party. Timothy Johnson’s credibility is substantial. Much of his work has been focused around Right-Wing extremism, making him perfect for such topic. In conclusion, I would rate the blog an 8 out of 10, very nice but at the end of reading it I was wanting more, feeling not fulfilled. If Johnson wasn’t educated on the topic before writing this, he did a well job of doing his research to get the intended message across.  

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Texas Deserves Better

In the article, Save Us Texas written by Michelle Goldberg, she sheds light on Senator Ted Cruz’s Opponent Beto O’Rourke . The author of this opiniated post has a solid base of credibility, as far as her profession as a writer goes. She is an author, she has won the Politzer Prize and has experience in commentating. Contrary to her professional experience, she does not have much experience in Politics, which does not help her credibility when writing a piece that is all politics. Michelle shows her bias from the beginning, but she does it elegantly, focusing on the facts of Beto, rather than focusing on Cruz’s faults. This piece is written in a sense that gives you hope, it gives me the motive to want to learn more on the running senator. The evidence in the piece is solid and backs up her statements of the possible turning point and how O’Rourke listens to the people, he cares, and he states his values without sugar coating. While focusing on his rally, she makes it a point to mention that the rally not only brought in many people, but young in specific, mentioning more than once in her piece how significant this turning point would be in Texas Politics. I do believe the Title is misleading— “Save us Texas”, when I read that my inference would be this would be about problems in Texas and how we need help, she didn’t state any problems in her piece, although it was still a well rounded solid, emotional piece. You can’t judge a book by its cover.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


On September 17th, 2018, ABC News posted an article by Connor Finnegan Titled "Trump Admin Propose lowest cap ever for refugee admissions amid historic global need" , it discuss’ President Trump’s recent refugee admissions cap, emphasizing the cap hasn't been this low in 34 years. A huge aspect to consider is the refugee amount now compared to 1980, in recent years the amount is extremely higher.
 I believe this is an important article to look at because, it shows our President’s character and what he stands for. Politics is a common topic for small talk, but many people talk on policies or President Trump without knowing facts or having background knowledge. I hope by reading the article when/if the subject is ever brought up you will be able to have an educated side in the argument of what President Trump is doing is moral.